Tonight I feel successful. I have accomplished all that I set out to do. I love that feeling. I know more stress is soon to come with the holidays approaching quickly. I choose to face those set of problems then. Over my weekend I threw my daughters 7th birthday. I felt like a chicken with it's head cut off. There was so much to do with so little time...literally. I am naturally a procrastinator so I threw her entire party in like 3 days. Her birthday is conveniently right before Halloween so I am faced with the expenses of both celebrations at the same time.

As you can see in the picture above I dressed up real fancy for Halloween and I am exceptionally proud of this years costume. I wanted to do something classy from the get go. I am tired of this trend I helped start. Halloween comes around and girls clothing gets smaller and smaller. Now look I like to party with the best of em but I cannot be like that anymore. It's not like I don't want too...
My daughter is 7 now. I cannot have her see me act like that. I needed to set a great example for her. I chose to from this day on out dress up as tasteful as I could for Halloween. I even wanted to go as far as wearing a ball gown and calling it a day. Obviously Audrey Hepburn is a much better idea.
Today in Wal-mart me and my daughter were looking at toys. Anyone who knows my daughter knows she was not in the barbie isle. We were looking at guns and as she would put it "boys toys". I told her to at least look down the barbie isle hoping she would see something that sparkled and fall in love. That did not happen. I asked her which barbie was her favorite one as I looked at the "official white house barbie". She pointed straight at that doll. I feel like I did something right. She did not like dolls that were sparkly. She didn't even noticed which doll had the prettiest hair. How she became this way is some what of a mystery I mean look at me I am pretty girlie these days. The only other doll she even looked at was an astronaut doll. We left Wal-mart with a pair of handcuffs that she could have died without doll.
It has been my pleasure.
Kelly Rose.