The Little Things.
Most of you more than likely take for granted the little things in life. I know you are probably wondering how I can be so presumptuous to assume you do this. Sadly, I think we all can agree we all at some point do this. I am guilty. I wanted to make a list of memories. All of the pictures on this blog are taken by me for you. I feel like that needs to be said. No you may not steal them because they are awesome!
This my new friends is yet another picture of the beautiful state of Oklahoma. Have you noticed in all the pictures I have posted there is nothing in the beautiful state of Oklahoma. I kid there is plenty to do, if you can find it. When I took this picture I stepped out of my daily hustle bustle and captured a beautiful moment. I am a sucker for a good sky picture. I will pull over to capture something I find beauty in. It is the little things in life my friends.
When I feel sick it consumes me. I want to crawl into a ball and sleep until I eventually wake up and magically I am all better! So there I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. When I opened up a Halls cough drop and found these words of inspiration. I think I can say that because of Halls I felt better (at least a little about myself). It is all about the little things.
It is when you pay for one soda and the soda machine gives you two sodas!
It is when you get pulled over for speeding and the man only gives you a warning.
It is when you go to work and the boss man says that he over scheduled and somebody can go home, and that somebody is you!
It is when you pay for one soda and the soda machine gives you two sodas!
It is when you get pulled over for speeding and the man only gives you a warning.
It is when you go to work and the boss man says that he over scheduled and somebody can go home, and that somebody is you!
It is when you finally get a week off of work and you cannot afford leave state. Instead you get a 20 pack of bud light and sit by the lake. If you are lucky you can catch a few fishes and throw them back of course. I could go on and on about the little things in life that make us so happy in such a simple way. I will tell you one thing. When I became a mommy I had a lot of these moments. I do not think I saw them for what they were at the time though. There were too many to count. First time I saw her, First time she sat up, crawled, talked, walked, went to daycare, stayed overnight somewhere. I think all of those things are quite simple in the big picture of things. They are mile stones and yes there will be many but I think each one should be celebrated. This is the notorious "she". This is her after loosing her first tooth. She pulled it out like a champ all by herself. I could not be more proud of my daughter for everything she has done and is learning to do.

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