Friday, November 16, 2012


Life has become so routine lately. I am happy to have my best friend rooming with me for the next couple of weeks. This is his dog Freddy. I do not work all that much so I have been spending a lot of time with him. It must be nice to be a dog. The world must be simple. Freddy has it pretty good. He gets to sleep all day. When Freddy is not sleeping he can be found wondering around trying to find clothes to sleep on. He is so curious. He is protective and he also has serious attachment issues. He follows me around everywhere. If I leave a room so does he. Life is not that simple for us humans. I wish it was, he has a pretty sweet set up. 

I guess having a routine is not a bad thing. I have been thinking of ways to fill my time. I seem to have a lot of time laying around. I have cleaned everything and I am really tired of laundry. I really do not know where it all keeps coming from. I hate dishes now. I am like a zombie when I do dishes. I am lucky to have a pretty window right above my kitchen sink. I will stand there scrubbing dishes while staring outside watching life move on. I love/hate cooking dinner. I enjoy watching my family eat and praising a good meal as good as the next gal. Then I remember I am the one who is cleaning all the dishes (ain't life a bitch). 

I am wanting something that will give me energy so today I am going to try to do some yoga. I have done yoga in the past and it really seemed to help give me some natural energy. I drink way too many red bulls. As a mother I have learned that there is simply not enough energy to go around. I wake up every morning at 6:30 am. I then get my daughter ready for school. I drop my daughter off at school. I am normally home shortly after to do my chores and watch netflix. I am exhausted by noon but I cannot nap because I sleep too hard. I then pick my daughter up at 2 pm where I wait in a mile long line of cars at the school. I am home by 3 pm. I COULD sleep then but not really. I then make my daughter her after school snack. We do homework and all that good stuff. I then have to start getting dinner ready by 6 pm. My husband gets home from work around 6 pm takes a shower and dinner is served by 6:30 pm. I COULD sleep then but I would wake up way too early. Instead I force myself to wake up until midnight where I then how should I say......I pass the fuck out! I am so exhausted. If any moms out there are reading this I could use some advice. I will try anything twice. I am tired of this routine. I want to change things up. I hope to hear from you guys. I am off to be supermom!


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