Monday, November 5, 2012

Up He Goes.

I would like to say that the poetry written on this blog is written by me. I wrote the now two poems when my husband was deployed. I just wanted to share them. It has been almost two years since these words were written and they still sting. I hope you enjoy because I know I did.

Up He Goes.

Away you go.
Time and time again.
I will miss you more than you know.
You are my husband as well as my best friend.

I hate to see you go.
As I reach my hand to yours.
You try not to let your emotions show.
When it rains, it always pours.

A tear runs down my face.
I hide away with this shame.
I dream of that better place.
One day....

I smile and I wave.
I let the world see my brilliant facade.
I try not to crumble, shatter, or break.
I am a fraud.

Written by: Kelly Edwards 2009

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