I am looking forward to many things in Denver. I have been feeling so strange lately. I need inner peace. There is so much going on in the world I want to run and hide from. I turn on the news and I am instantly sadden by all of the people being murdered and kidnapped or raped. I see a society that is disconnected. I was having a wonderful conversation with another one of my fabulous friends about this very thing earlier. We agreed that people are full of shit.
We live our lives constantly updating, sharing, tweeting, and texting. I love all of these things. I at one point never thought I could want to escape my smart phone....but I do. I want to hike a mountain loose my cell phone reception, forget about that Facebook (she is a bitch anyways jk) and find me. The me that isn't up for the world to see. The me that is more than a pretty face. The me that thinks about more than just dinner plans for the night. The me that no one sees. That girl is who I want and need to find. I need to see something bigger than myself and accept some things I am personally working through. I have such high hopes.
Have you guys ever felt that way? I honestly feel weird about it. I do not want to feel this way. I want to accept the things in my life. I cannot.
I have always been a rebel and now I'm fighting within myself. Life can be super stressful at times. I think that is why it is so important to escape our every day lives. Since our every day lives now consist of constant Internet connection I think it will be awesome to not worry about anything. I have to because when I get back I have to punch back in my time clock. Life will proceed as usual. I will of course take plenty of pictures and write about it all when I get back. I look forward to it!
Kelly Rose