I have been inspired lately...
So much so that I just keep writing little notes or poems to even metaphors to myself. I write all the time. I feel so much more drawn to a pen and paper. That is why you my blog readers have not seen such notes. I feel disconnected when I write this way...I know I am weird.
The reason I mention my notes is because sometimes they are pretty good. I have shown that before in previous blogs as such:
I have found some more of my unfinished poetry on my cell phone this time. It was hiding in my notepad and I would like to share it with my readers. I feel bad I have not taken the time to write on my computer and share my life with all of you. I hope you all enjoy..
He doesn't care.
He never will.
He only cares about himself.
I am just a foolish kid.
A tiny glimmer of hope is what I hold onto.
It screams reality.
When it is not.
It screams trouble.
It consumes me.
So yea, that just happened. This one is random, I do not remember writing it. I must have been pretty mad though. I love the realness in it. I didn't cloak my emotions. i wasn't planning on sharing it to the world so my words here are truth, and for that I love it. NEXT!
Have we met before?
I see him as he stands by the door.
He is smooth, confident and cool.
I am instantly allured.
He talks his way into my heart.
I let him in.
He never quites left, the pieces remain.
They are deep down inside of me.
He told me I was his everything.
I believed that lie.
Did we make believe this life?
One we did not live
or even have that right?
I dreamed I was your wife.
You kiss me so sweet.
you take the palm of your hand
press it softly against my cheek.
I feel weak...
I wake up to an empty bed
Dreaming of a life
That I did not live.
This one is such a work in progress. It is a perfect love story of the one that got away. The girl is dreaming the life she never had. It is full of what if's and those horrible memories that haunt her. It is beautiful and not finished by any means. I believe it to have a lot of potential. It will be updated soon for your viewing pleasure. NEXT!
Is it wrong that I think of you?
I try to push it deep down.
It's where my mind always goes to.
No matter how hard I push, It comes around
It drags me down, down, down.
I'm lost in this fantasy.
It is just me and you.
We lay together finally.
We never want to leave.
It was only but a dream.
I know they are just little bits on songs and poems but they are really good. I love that I scribble out this stuff. I think that I am a writer and singer at heart and it flows into my every day life. I hope you enjoyed my notes. Have a wonderful night.
Kelly Rose.
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