Monday, March 25, 2013

Me and My Headphones.

I am closed off from the world. I become invisible the minute I put on my headphones. It is just me and my music. I can feel it surging through my veins instantly making every problem disappear or amplify. At this moment it is neither. My problems are still there, however I do not feel worse. I am just alone in my head dancing on the dance floor of my mind. I fade away....

I am sure we all feel that way every now and then. I think that is why music is so great. Every person can just loose themselves, even for a moment. Life is too short to always take yourself so seriously. I can be the worst offender of that one. I am not that girl right now though. I am swaying my body, eyes closed, one with myself. I am at peace. 

At this moment this is the song I find myself going towards. It's lyrics have no meaning to me. My husband is not cheating. I just think it was covered well. 

If you did not click the link you were missing the Florence Welch from Florence and the Machine. She is covering the famous rap song "I don't wanna know". I have been finding gems like this on YouTube. I just love it.

Off I go!
Kelly Rose.

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